Headaches, TBI & Cognitive Research Institute & Regain Memory Center presents


Memory Loss & Regain Memory

Tuesday April 5th 2016
6:15 To 9:00 PM
Magnolia Hall, Wyndham Hotel,
1419 E. 70 street, Shreveport, La-71105

Suresh Kumar MD, Double Board Certified Neurologist
E.Gonzalez- Taledo MD,PhD. Professor Neuroradiology, LSU


Program Overview:

Memory Loss is a silent disease in the aging population. Memory loss is the most under-diagnosed disease after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and/or CVA. Memory & Cognitive evaluation is ignored from the emergency room to rehabilitation therapy. This symposium convenes leading the way with scientific in-house and world wide research to include our educational and experience expertise in memory loss. We will discuss the current understanding of this common disease, its processes which lead to memory loss, and advanced effective therapeutic approaches. Physicians will be able to take control on pharmacotherapy, neuro-cognitive testing & monitor active Cognitive Therapy in their respective clinics.

Target Audience:

Physicians, Family Practice Physicians, Internal Medicine Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Residents, Fellows and Neuro-Cognitive Research Scientists


Email: appointneuro@gmail.com
Phone : 318-865-1200
Fax: 318-865-1300

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